Wales & West Utilities
6th May 2021
The Western Gas Alliance (WGA) is a great example of collaboration between client and contractor, as it operates as a single entity with an open and honest approach to delivering a programme of work that includes mains replacement, diversions, reinforcement schemes, special projects, MOBs etc. In true Alliance spirit, all partners are incentivised to help each other to achieve its challenging goals and objectives. This includes all partners working together to continuously improve performance across the programme of works with a particular focus on working with the DLO to achieve stretch targets. Alliance outputs are linked to regulatory (RIIO GD1) outputs on the basis of shared risk and reward.
The WGA is an integrated structure with roles genuinely filled using a ‘best-person-for-the-job’ philosophy regardless of who the employer is. Our response below is based on the integrated Alliance delivery.
Our added value to this contract has been enhanced by:
- An award winning (EUSR Skills accredited) training initiative – Gas Network Site Manager programme for Morrison Energy Services and Wales & West Utilities operatives
- A significant increase in our area of operation when the Alliance transitioned from three partners to two
- A highly effective recruitment programme to encourage more than 100 new starters into the business