Morrison Energy Services hosts Reality of Road Risk event in Scotland

4th December 2024

Recently, our Scottish team enhanced their awareness of the risks faced on the roads, by hosting their Reality of Road Risk event.

The event aimed to remind our people of the actions they can take to improve safety for all road users.

We were joined by Road Policing Officers from Motherwell, who ran a traffic stop with defect checking of our vehicle and explained what they look for and the consequences of driving with defects.

We continued our partnership with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, with Community Firefighter Scott delivering a safer driving presentation. The Red and Blue Watch from Bellshill fire station attended with their appliances, demonstrating the cutting equipment used in road traffic collisions.

Amar Ali, Supervisor at Morrison Energy Services, said: “The Reality to Road Risk was a great opportunity for all the Scotland metering services. The event was well constructed and very informative, with hard hitting but effective videos.

“Interactive activities made this session much more enjoyable, but most importantly memorable, holding the focus on driver safety, driving home the message ‘safety starts with me.’”

Our people also had the opportunity to use virtual reality (VR) headsets to experience serious incidents. This hands-on learning offered a unique perspective on how accidents affect not just the victims, but also the first responders, witnesses, and emergency services.

Kevin Carty, Operational Road Risk Manager at Morrison Energy Services and organiser of the Reality of Road Risk event, said: “While these events are integral for our people all year round, the reminder of the reality of road risk is even more important in winter. Winter driving can be challenging, and it’s important to take the time to ensure our vehicles are roadworthy, even on cold mornings.”

Across M Group Services, we put the health, safety and wellbeing of our people, and the public first. The Energy Division SHEQ team looks forward to hosting more events in 2025.

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